Architecture for Urban Design
The Framework of Community Life
Urban design addresses the physicality of the planning process that shapes our communities. It weaves a fabric of spatial events, both public and private, that structures social discourse in the community. Density determines its urban, suburban or ex-urban variables – the relationship of the built environment to open space – as the ordered setting of our lives.
Beyond the extensive recognition afforded by professional, federal and state awards, the firm's urban design portfolio demonstrates a proven ability to inspire the support of all stakeholders and to gather the necessary funding support to help make these plans possible. The true measure of the success of any master plan is its ability to guide and adapt future development. In hindsight, the still current implementation of these projects speak to that success.
The firm's commitment to urban design projects reflects the belief in the economic impact of redevelopment projects in urban areas. The strategic concept of "Urban Recycling" (Reciclaje Urbano) developed by Mr. Moya provided for an integrated team approach to the development of a balanced, long-term economic model for urban redevelopment. This particular model incorporates urban design, architecture, construction, financial planning and community development.
Selected Projects